Cordell and Brown

Building 22 Annexe, Chilmark Estates, Salisbury, SP3 5DU Salisbury SP35DU, United kingdom
07796 901649 Click to call

Interior And Exterior Painting in Salisbury
Water Based Spray Finishes in Salisbury
Spray Painting in Salisbury

About Cordell and Brown

Cordell and Brown have been established for over 10 years and are specialists in the services we provide. We pride ourselves on our excellent standard of work and outstanding level of customer care and service. Contact us today to find out how we can change the look of your home or furniture.

Cordell and Brown have been established for over 10 years and are specialists in the services we provide


Water Based Spray Finishes in Salisbury


Furniture spray painters
Kitchen spray painting
Spray Painting Experts

Our location

Logo Cordell and Brown

Cordell and Brown

Cordell and Brown

Building 22 Annexe, Chilmark Estates, Salisbury, SP3 5DU Salisbury SP35DU, United kingdom
07796 901649 Click to call